Festivals – ProFesteja – Tu Directorio de Servicios para Eventos en México https://profesteja.com Encuentra y compara proveedores para todo tipo de eventos en ProFesteja. Renta salones, contrata fotógrafos y celebra con servicios profesionales en México. Mon, 27 Mar 2017 11:53:03 +0000 es hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 Fresh Meadow Country Club https://profesteja.com/listing/fresh-meadow-country-club/ Mon, 27 Mar 2017 11:53:03 +0000 http://studio.listingprowp.com/?post_type=listing&p=862 You have to be a member here so there is no point in reviewing a closed or exclusive venue.
Suffice it to say it’s a beautiful club with a frat golf course, fitness center eye and dining is top.
So if you get an invite to join take it.

Seattle Opera https://profesteja.com/listing/seattle-opera/ Mon, 27 Mar 2017 11:52:53 +0000 http://studio.listingprowp.com/?post_type=listing&p=866 Kristina Murti, Director of Marketing & Communications, has been the mastermind behind Seattle Opera’s marketing successes over the past 16 years. She launched the redesign of the company’s website and brand in 2015, and she created programs which boosted first-year subscriber retention rates by more than 10 percent. Under her leadership, the company’s BRAVO! club for young professionals has become one of the largest groups of its kind in the nation with more than 600 members. Murti is a leader on a number of arts marketing initiatives. She serves as co-chair of the Market the Arts Taskforce, as a member of the Community Resource Collective Steering Committee, and previously, as co-chair of the Tessitura National Conference Planning committee. She has also presented at the Digital Marketing Bootcamp, FutureTix conference, as well as national and regional Tessitura conferences. The accomplished pianist and arts marketer holds a Bachelor of Music from Lawrence University.

Arizona Luxury Art Club https://profesteja.com/listing/arizona-luxury-theater/ Fri, 13 Jan 2017 05:31:22 +0000 http://takethemes.net/wp/listingpro/?post_type=listing&p=191 Benvenuti a Case di lusso e Arizona HomeSmart Arizona, presentati da Zenja Darabnia. Trovare una casa di lusso in Arizona non è circa il prezzo o le dimensioni, è lo stile di vita. Posizione, qualità, Privacy e caratteristiche definiscono veramente di lusso. Arizona, offre case Unico Premier in molti luoghi e le comunità in essere per adattarsi scelta di vita di qualsiasi High End compratore. Si tratta di uno stile di vita e sempre in Eye of the Beholder.
